This transfer equivalency database will help you learn how your previous college coursework may transfer into Maryville University.
Please take note of the following policies while using the information found in the database:
- This database is to be used as a resource for you to see how Maryville University has accepted transfer credit in the past. However, an official evaluation is not complete until Academic Records receives, reviews, and records your transfer credit onto your academic record upon admission to the University. Please check the academic catalog for a complete list of Maryville University's transfer credit policies.
- All transfer equivalencies are subject to change. Maryville strives to provide the most accurate information possible, but our courses are regularly updated in order to teach relevant content. The transfer equivalencies are revised periodically in order to match our current course content.
- If you do not see your college or course in the database, that doesn't mean it won't transfer. New schools and courses are being added on a daily basis. If you don't see your course(s) please reach out to to inquire about how your credit(s) might transfer.
- Credits will transfer with the hours they received at the transfer institution. Maryville University operates on a semester calendar. Quarter hours will transfer at a rate of 1 quarter hour to 2/3 of a semester hour.