(2022-2023 CATALOG - CURRENT)

Important notice to students who have completed an IGETC or a CSU General Education Certification:
Individuals transferring to CBU with an associate degree and either IGETC or CSU General Education Breadth certification prior to transfer are waived from General Education requirements, with the exception of the Biblical and Theological Core and English composition (ENG 113 & 123). General education requirements are waived, with the exception of the Biblical and Theological Core (CST), for individuals transferring to California Baptist University (CBU) with an approved ADT.

Some courses are eligible to meet multiple General Education subject areas, but each course can only be applied to one of those areas. Courses may not double count in the general education, but may be applied to a major, minor, or concentration. Major, Minor, or Concentration course requirements may also be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

The following list of course ranges are not all inclusive for the 2023-2024 Fullerton College catalog.

Refer to the CBU catalog for a complete list of degree requirements and transfer restrictions

The Office of the University Registrar reserves the right to alter and revise the contents of this agreement at any time.


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ENG 113 ENGL 100F, 100HF, 101F, 110F
ENG 123 ENGL 103F, 103HF, 201F
3.0 units of Mathematics MATH 040F – 295HF

Biblical & Theological Core

No transferable courses.

Civic World

Click here for course descriptions.
To complete the Civic World General Education requirement, complete 6.0 units from any of the following:

Economics ECON 101F – 102HF
History HIST 110F – 191F, 270F – 275F
JOUR 110F, 110HF
Political Science POSC 100F – 180HF, 200F – 275F
Law* BUS 242F - 246F

Creative World

Click here for course descriptions.
To complete the Creative World General Education requirement, complete 3.0 units from any of the following:

Creative Writing / Design ENGL 105F, 209F
Film Production/ Fine Art ART 100F – 195F, 201F – 293F
ARTH 100F - 177F
CRTV 150F – 164F, 245AF, 245BF
Graphic Design / Illustration DART 100F – 198F
GRFX 100F - 270F
Music MUS 100F – 107F, 109F – 269F, 271F – 282F, 285F – 292F
MUSA 100F – 293F
Photography PHOT 101F – 196F, 214F – 227F
Theatre DANC 100F – 214F
THEA 100F – 152F, 155F – 292F

Cultural World

Click here for course descriptions.
To complete the Cultural World General Education requirement, complete 3.0 units from any of the following:

English ENGL 102F, 102HF, 104F, 203F – 208F, 210F – 253F
Film CRTV 126AF – 128F, 227F
Foreign Language** CHIN 101F – 204F
FREN 101F – 204F
GERM 101F – 204F
ITAL 101F – 204F
JAPN 101F – 204F
PORT 101F, 102F
SPAN 101F – 207F
Philosophy PHIL 100F – 270F
Humanities No transferable courses.

Natural World

Click here for course descriptions.
To complete the Natural World General Education requirement, complete 4.0 units from any of the following:

Biological Science ANAT 231F, 240F
BIOL 100F – 193F, 196F – 276F
MICR 220F, 262F
Environmental Science ENVS 105F, 105LF, 140F – 142F, 196F
Chemical Science CHEM 100F – 211BF
Physical Science ESC 100F – 110F, 120F – 196F, 230F
GEOG 102F – 102LF
Physics ESC 116F – 117F
PHYS 120F – 223F
Science No transferable courses.

Personal World

Click here for course descriptions.
To complete the Personal World General Education requirement, complete 3.0 units from any of the following:

Finance / Leadership BUS 101F
Foreign Language** CHIN 101F – 204F
FREN 101F – 204F
GERM 101F – 204F
ITAL 101F – 204F
JAPN 101F – 204F
PORT 101F, 102F
SPAN 101F – 207F
Technology CIS 100F - 102F, 104F - 113F, 123F - 142F, 150F, 152F - 290F
CISG 100F, 101F, 105F – 190F
CSCI 123F – 241F
MUS 108F
Intercultural Perspectives ENGL 222F, 222HF
ETHS 101F – 171F, 202F - 235HF
HIST 171F, 171HF
Kines / Health Sci / Nutrition HED 140F
NUTR 210F – 230F
PE 101F – 196F, 201F – 296F

Social World

Click here for course descriptions.
To complete the Social World General Education requirement, complete 6.0 units from any of the following:

Anthropology ANTH 101F – 106F, 109F, 209F – 215F
Behavioral Science No transferable courses.
Communication Studies COMM 100F – 138F
Psychology PSY 101F – 161HF, 202F – 251HF
Public Relations No transferable courses.
Social Work SWHS 120F
Sociology SOC 101F – 102F, 201F – 295HF
*Law courses within the Criminal Justice discipline will not meet this requirement.
**Same course cannot satisfy both Cultural and Personal World.

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